Explore Our Inventory Management Features

Discover how Sortly simplifies inventory with features designed for ease and organization.

Organize Organize your inventory.

Get organized by adding your inventory and inviting your team to Sortly.


Item entries allow you to add your items and track custom details.

Inventory Import

Inventory Import lets you upload an existing inventory spreadsheet and populate your items in Sortly instantly.

Item Photos

Item Photos help you track the appearance and condition of your items.

Inventory Lists

Inventory Lists summarize your entire inventory in one easy view.

User Licenses

User Licenses allow you to bring your employees into Sortly so you can manage inventory with your team.

Customize Customize your inventory.

Customize your inventory system with folders and add custom details, tags, and user access.

Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow you to track and customize unique information about your items.

Custom Folders

Custom Folders allow you to organize your items exactly how you want them.

Custom Tags

Custom Tags allow you to add custom categories for your items, even if they’re in different folders.

Customizable User Access

Customizable User Access lets you control who can do and see what in Sortly.

Customizable Roles

Custom Roles enable you to define the user experience by creating a new role and tailoring what this role can add, edit, hide, or delete in Sortly.

Manage Manage your inventory.

Scan in new items with barcodes and QR codes and print custom labels to track unique items.

Barcode Scanning & Label Generation

Barcoding lets you scan barcodes from your smartphone to instantly add and manage your items. Plus, generate and print custom barcode labels with ease.

QR Code Scanning & Label Generation

QR Coding lets you scan QR codes from your smartphone to instantly add and manage your items. Plus, generate and print custom QR labels with ease.

Purchase Orders

Create and export Purchase Orders using inventory details like item names, photos, costs, quantities, and more.

Item Check-in/Check-out

Check-in/Check-out lets your team check physical inventory in and out with printed labels—so you always know who used what, when.

Try Sortly free for 14 days.

Transform your business with our simple, powerful inventory solution.

Track & Update Track & update your inventory.

Seamlessly update inventory and set alerts to ensure you always stock the right amount.

Low Stock Alerts

Low Stock Alerts notify you when an item is running low so you always re-order the right amount.

Date-Based Alerts

Date-based Alerts let you can track maintenance and repair schedules for assets, tools, and equipment.

Offline Mobile Access

Offline Mobile Access lets you track and update inventory even when you’re offline or out of range.

Automatic Sync

Automatic Sync lets you and your team track and update inventory in real time from any device.

In-App Alerts

In-app Alerts nudge you and your team in Sortly when it’s time to re-order or repair.

Email Alerts

Email Alerts nudge you and your team via email when it’s time to re-order or repair.

Report Run inventory reports.

Get in-depth reports on items, folders, user histories, stock levels, and more.

Activity History Reports

Activity History Reports let you monitor your team’s changes and updates in Sortly.

Inventory Summary Reports

Inventory Summary Reports show you the total quantity and value of your inventory based on your custom filters.

User Activity Summary Reports

User Activity Summary Reports let you view a summary of each team members’ actions and filter for specific activities within a given time period.

Low Stock Reports

Low Stock Reports show you all items that are below minimum quantity so you know how much to re-order.

Move Summary Reports

Move Summary Reports track all item location changes in a specified time period.

Item Flow Report

Item Flow Reports track all item quantity changes in a specified time period.

Saved Reports

Saved Reports allow you to go beyond pre-set report types and build customized reporting dashboards. Select the data you want to see and save your preferred filters and layouts.

Report Subscriptions

Report Subscriptions allow you to automate a summary of any report to be sent via email (one-time or ongoing).

Integrations Set up integrations.

Speed up processes and save time by integrating Sortly with your favorite platforms.

QuickBooks Online

The integration with QuickBooks Online allows you to easily send invoices and purchase orders to your existing QBO account.


The integration with Slack allows your team to receive notifications about changes to inventory directly in a Slack channel.


The integration with Webhooks allows you to automate messages when an event occurs in Sortly.

Microsoft Teams

The integration with Microsoft Teams allows your team to receive notifications about changes to inventory directly in a Teams channel.


The Sortly API allows other software applications to access data from your Sortly account outside of Sortly.

Experience the simplest inventory management software.

Built to streamline and modernize every aspect of managing inventory.